Sunday, July 17, 2011

Chris and Erin's Pool Party


Brendan and his friends

The annual Red Fox Party turned into and House/Pool Party.
                                                                                    What a great day!

Austin The New Harris Hawk

Ethan's first hawk experience!

Ethan, Grandad and Austin
On July 16th Michael and Ethan started training the new Harris Hawk named Austin.
Ethan can't talk about much else these days!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

A Beautiful Day at the Pool

Ready for the girls plus
a little boy or two!

The first to test the waters.

Now we have everyone
in and enjoying 85 degree
water temps.

Dylan had so much fun
it was hard to get out.

It was a great day at the pool today. A few teachers
and their children came to visit.
The weather was perfect and the snacks were plentiful.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Mosquito Valley Bear
 This morning on my walk I ran across a BIG black bear in a neighbors yard. I learned he was a tree hugger as well as had an itchy back. After he hugged that tree he turned around and had a good time scratching his back against that tree. Pictured above is a friend of his that happened to visit my yard a few weeks ago.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Humming bird making his approach.

Look carefully at this one.
The mother robin is feeding her baby.

Humming bird has hit it's target.
As you may have figured
out I enjoy being outside in the summer. There's so much to see and do!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Adam opening his birthday gifts.

Adam's very own cupcake .

Mommy said I could touch it.
 Adam turned one on July 9th!
Great idea mom!

That was the best mommy and daddy!

Here's the cake Grammy made for everyone else.
Saturday brought more beautiful
flowers to my yard.
Roses by the water fountain

Williamsport Growers Market featuring Tasha
 The Saturday growers market on Pine St. is
always a great place to go. Lots of great produce and familiar faces everywhere.

Friday, July 8, 2011

                    Cherry Tomato
Morning Glories

A few tomatos thrown into the mix. Great for a summer salad.

sweet potato vine and lime coleus
Window Box of sweet potato vine and ivy geranium

Million Bells



A look at Sharon's garden's. I have a lot of potted plants and hanging plants. This year my husband , Michael, put a drip system in for me. It waters 20 plants automatically every day.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

I enjoyed a visit from Halle and Isaac today. Got to show off my gardens. 

Two future surfers in the forefront. Sharon's Dragon Wing Begonia's in the background.


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A great day in the pool with the boys!
Today  2 of my grandsons entertained themselves by creating a band with a variety of instruments. Among the instruments was a guitar made by Aunt Melissa when she went to Duboistown Elementary School. Aside from the pot lids they used my recycled goods. How to make fun out of a little bit of nothing!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

July 4th was a hot one this year. Erin, Grammy Lee, Brendan and Ethan cool down in the pool.
July 2nd took me and my two older grandsons to Woolrich Park. We first saw a children's play at Millbrook theater and then enjoyed all the fun a park has to offer. Visiting the Woolrich store was even more exciting as they tried to get the coins out of the water feature, ride all the stuffed toys and eat all the samples of popcorn and candy throughout the store. Ethan and Brendan and a day to remember! 
Here is the newest member to the Kuriga family along with his daddy, Chris. Adam loves to crawl  even if he is already on the table. What a cutie!